Alpha agro’s Humifix (humic) is an active ingredient of bio fertilizers as it effectively works as a soil enhancer. They are environmentally safe, increases crop yield, stimulates plant enzymes and hormones and improves soil fertility.
Avinash Pawar, Akole
Alpha agro’s fertilizers are known to increase crop production and decrease the usage of chemical fertilizer and irrigation water. With the help of this fertilizer even marginal lands is made useful.
Eknath Patil, Sangamner
Alpha agro's growth promoters are effective in improving the crop, quality, and productivity significantly.
Milind Kulkarni, Rahuri
Alpha agro's growth regulators have given best results in suppressing crops growth during overseeding to give young seedlings a quick start.
Sachin Kamble, Ahmednagar
Alpha agro's plant growth promoters can improve the overall health and vigor of crops and plants, resulting in better color, improved stress tolerance and perhaps better root development.