About Alpha Agro Industries

Alpha Agro Chemicals is an agrochemicals manufacturer which has an innovative approach in dealing with agriculture. We provide all sorts of bio-chemicals, pesticides, and solutions to a wide range of crop-related problems.

Our wide portfolio of products helps in increasing crop yield, tackling all types of crop diseases, and bringing great relief to the farmer’s difficulties. All possible efforts are made from our side to find solutions for the problems arising due to changes in the climate.

We are Pune based Agrochemicals manufacturer, providing products all over Maharashtra. And we are transparent about what we’re doing and the impact it is making.

We are an agrochemical company, offers various agricultural products and services.

As the food demand in India is increasing, we need to improve the manufacturing of seeds and fertilizers. Our company makes various agrochemicals that help farmers to achieve their goal in crop quality and to achieve better results.

Our Products

Idea to Grow with

Quality Assurance

Our products are manufactured with the highest precision to meet the demands of the farmers. We not only manufacture but we assure that our products will provide solution to the designated issue. We are in the business of the betterment of farmers by providing them quality products.

Our Quality Policy



Care for farmers, Stakeholders, Community and the environment is our priority.



We are committed to give safer pesticides to the agricultural world for better crop productivity and soil health.



Alpha Agro is a reliable partner in agrochemical for the global agrochemical suppliers and manufacturers through cooperation.


Our Vision is to become a leading agrochemical company in Innovation of effective quality crop protection products that take care of the farmer’s needs to boost crop production while preserving the environment


To provide apt and useful crop protection solutions to farmers around the globe.
To strengthen our global market by extending our presence across the continents.